Marist Music

Michael Herry is a Marist Brother working as a pastoral musician, mainly in the Melbourne Archdiocese. Br Herry writes scripture-based chants specifically for the Christian calendar.  Brother Herry is passionate about the interface between music and prayer and the challenge it offers us as Christians sharing the Good News.

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A Hymn of Healing for the Church

by Michael Herry

One of the great sadnesses for our Church in these times has been the the sexual abuse crisis and its fall-out in so many areas of society and Church life.   This ‘Hymn of Healing for the Church’ is offered to help us come to a deep and sorrowful awareness of what has occurred and perhaps too, an understanding of how and why it happened, in the hope it may never occur again. The hymn is offered as a prayer asking God’s forgiveness and hopefully a means of healing and justice for all involved, especially the victims of this abuse.

How this hymn could be used obviously requires much pastoral thought and sensitivity. Some parishes are beginning to have services of healing at this time. It is with these communities in mind I have written this hymn.   Br Michael Herry

Lyrics of 'Hymn of Healing for the Church.'

Sheet Music of the Hymn of Healing for the Church